Wellbeing Resource Update

1. Smiling mind for families
Smiling Mind is a not-for profit organisation that works to make mindfulness meditation accessible to all. In response to COVID 19, Smiling Mind have developed a new Families Program to help establish new habits and foster positive mental health routines. The programs are designed to be listened to with the whole family.
The Smiling Mind app can be downloaded on a phone or device. They have a web app too: https://www.smilingmind.com.au
The Families Section can be found in the app under All Programs. The introduction talks you through how to use the program, and why practising mindfulness with your family can be beneficial.
2. Digital lunchbreaks
The Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) has launched a new website called Digital Lunchbreak.
This website assists young people with finding online resources and activities to do at home in their lunchbreak, around learning hours and on weekends during the current social distancing measures.
Activities include digital workshops, learning materials and virtual excursions.

3. College Connect
As we wrote in an earlier post, if you are concerned about your young person, there are a lot of places you can access support. We've added some direct links to the Useful Resources section in the banner at the top of the blog. We've included the QR codes for ease of access.
4. e-Safety Commission
The e-Safety Commissioner and team have put together an online safety kit for parents and carers. It contains evidence-based suggestions and trustworthy links to help keep your kids safe: